High School | St Teresa's School
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High School

Grade 8 - Grade 12
Message from the Principal

St Teresa’s is a hidden little jewel in the heart of bustling Rosebank, a jewel that has been offering young women a quality education since 1930.

Being part of this fine school is a bit like looking at a glorious stained glass window from inside a church. From the outside, one can admire the colours of the glass, the intricate design, the superb craftsmanship and the inspirational picture… But once one is on the inside, part of the Rosie family, one can see the true beauty, the jewelled colours, be inspired by the warmth that emanates from the glass, and feel captivated by the whole picture. Being part of the St Teresa’s family is to feel part of a caring family, to admire the stained glass window from the inside.

At St Teresa’s, our girls have a special something too, a special quality that comes from starting off as a Rosebud and over the years, learning how to be a true Rosie.

​ A true Rosie has been nurtured and raised on the values, manners and spirituality that will stand her in good stead forever. Our girls are noticeable for their strength of character, their sense of servant leadership, their inner beauty, joy and self-confidence, which allows them to succeed in the world without feeling the need to better themselves at the expense of another. Every girl is recognised for the qualities that she brings to the group, and her individuality is acknowledged and allowed to prosper.

We send our girls into the world knowing that they have been nurtured, fed and watered, and have flourished into glorious roses. This is why we are proud that the Rose is the symbol of St Teresa’s.

Mrs Elsa de Bod
Principal: High School


St Teresa’s prides itself on its service to students by offering a holistic education. In line with this holistic education, St Teresa’s has built up a reputation of academic excellence.

The school curriculum follows the requirements of the South African curriculum statements. High School education is divided into two components: the GET (General Education and Training) which consists of Grades 7, 8 and 9 and the FET (Further Education and Training) which includes Grades 10, 11 and 12. The final exit qualification comes at the end of the Grade 12 year in the writing of a public examination, the National Senior Certificate, under the auspices of the Independent Examination Board (IEB).

Learners are taught in mixed ability classes. Students are encouraged to develop a sound work ethic and small class sizes allow for individual attention. Academic support is available to students in every subject. If any academic concerns are raised by a teacher, communication with a parent/s is done immediately.

Both formal and informal assessment methods are used to assess a learner’s progress. Major examinations are held in July and November for Grades 8 -12 In accordance with IEB policy on inclusive education, internal concessions, such as extra time in exams are allocated where needed.

Our academic staff are highly qualified and continual professional development is emphasised. All teachers are  SACE registered. Performance evaluation is an ongoing process to ensure that the needs of the learners are being met by the staff.

GET- General Education and Training (Grade 8-9)

This curriculum covers grades 8 and 9. At St Teresa’s, we have developed a modular system for our Grade 8 and 9 students. The modular system is composed of the non-core subjects, with an aim to promote deeper and more thorough learning in these subjects. This is vital as it informs the decision-making process in choosing the three optional subjects required for Grade 10. As such the timetable is structured to provide more time for module subjects to allow for in-depth learning. The non-core subjects are divided into a Science Key, Humanities Key and a Commerce Key. Every term, the students will take one subject out of the three keys. This subject will then be written off at the end of the term. The system works very much like a university system, whereby modules are written off at the end of a term.

Core Subjects
  • English

  • First additional language – Afrikaans / IsiZulu

  • Mathematics

  • Life Orientation

Year Subjects
  • Visual Arts

  • Dramatic Arts

  • French (Grades 8 and 9)

  • Physics

  • Physical Education

  • Religious Education

Module Subjects
  • ​Chemistry

  • Life Sciences

  • History

  • Geography

  • Economic and Management Sciences

  • Computer Literacy 


At the end of Grade 9, after career guidance, a student chooses her matriculation subjects and enters the FET Phase of the school.

FET – Further Education and Training
(Grade 10-12)

This curriculum covers grades 10, 11 and 12.

Students must study 7 subjects, 4 of which are compulsory: English, Afrikaans or Isizulu, Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy and Life Orientation.

Thereafter 3 subjects are chosen, according to predefined keys.
The subjects offered in the FET phase is:

  • Accounting

  • Business Studies

  • Computer Applications Technology (CAT)

  • Dramatic Arts

  • French

  • Geography

  • History

  • Information Technology

  • Life Sciences

  • Physical Science

  • Visual Art


In addition, student can take an 8th subject such as Further Studies Mathematics or Further Studies English which is offered during school time.

Final Certificate


The qualification that students will receive on successful completion of Grade 12 is the National Senior Certificate.

Extra Murals

St Teresa’s offers an exciting and diverse cultural life for the girls at the school. We view our cultural activities as an integral part of school life. The girls are encouraged to explore the range of their talents and interests.

The following cultural activities are offered in the High School:

  • Drama including an annual major production with St David’s Inanda   and House Plays

  • Choir

  • Marimbas

  • Public Speaking

  • Debating

  • Crochet Club

  • Gardening Club

  • Star Awards

  • Olympiads


Sports and cultural activities are viewed as an integral part of school life. We encourage our girls to participate in a variety of cultural and sporting extramural activities to explore their range of talents and interests. Research has shown that girls who participate in extramurals show higher academic results, have stronger interpersonal relationships, and are more likely to lead healthy and active lifestyles. Our sports programme caters for both competitive and social sport by providing many opportunities for participation within the Independent Girls' Schools League, the Catholic Schools Sports and Cultural Council, festivals and tournaments. We offer a wide and diverse range of sports and cultural activities.

Team Sport:


  • Swimming

  • Tennis

  • Squash

  • Canoeing 

(Equestrian is an external activity with opportunities for school representation)

Athletics (third term only)


  • Hockey

  • Netball

  • Soccer

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