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About Us


About Us

St Teresa’s School started in 1930 when three Sisters of Mercy welcomed their first five pupils to a garage in Keyes Avenue, Rosebank. There was no government support of any kind for Catholic Schools so, of necessity, the school was private. With careful management and through the support of parents, the school was financially viable and was gradually able to extend its facilities along Keyes Ave to meet new needs. It was one of the first schools in the country to defy Apartheid laws and admit pupils of all races.

The school has undergone various name changes from Rosebank Convent to St Teresa’s Convent and finally today all three sections of the school are under one umbrella called St Teresa’s School. The school caters for Grade 000 – Grade 12. The Junior Primary is situated just down the road in Craighall Park, while the Senior Primary and the High School share the lovely grounds in Keyes Ave, the very street where the five pupils were taught over 92 years ago.

While we have kept pace with the changes and challenges of our society, we have maintained the traditional values of service, faith, integrity, compassion and personal excellence. This spirituality expresses itself in service to others, especially those on the fringes of society.

The professional staff are all qualified and compassionate members of staff. The school is managed by the Sisters of Mercy, the Board of Governors and the School Management Team. The school constantly achieves well academically and is in the top bracket of schools in the Gauteng Province. The school is a member of ISASA. Matrics write the IEB Senior Examination.

Today, 95 years on, St Teresa’s School is a much respected private school, proud of its unique tradition, its successes measured by the outstanding girls who have passed through its portals. Every girl who has been a member of our school is known as a Rosie and is a part of the Rosie Family for life.

Our Vision

Rooted in Christ’s teaching of love for God, self and others, the family of St Teresa’s School is committed to developing the values of compassion, service, love and respect in our girls. We aim to nurture and inspire responsible, enquiring young women who strive for excellence in all facets of life.

The Sisters of Mercy and Mercy Education

Mercy Education has a long and rich history. One finds its roots in Ireland in the ministry of Catherine McAuley, the foundress of the Sisters of Mercy and her co-workers. These works of Mercy established by Catherine and her followers were marked by a special concern for the needs of the poor, especially women and children.

Mercy education, faithful to this tradition, continues to this day. This ministry has continued for over 170 years. Schools are located in 20 states in the continental US, throughout South America, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Ireland and Britain.

Mercy schools, although geographically and culturally diverse, share a common heritage, legacy and mission. Committed to meeting the current needs of children, young women and men, Mercy education remains a vital component of the Sisters of Mercy and their co-ministers.

To read more about Mercy Education Worldwide please visit and

Click here for an in-depth account of Catherine McAuley’s life.

The Sisters of Mercy and Mercy Education

Symbols of the mercy shield

  • The Crown: Maria Regina, Mother of Mercy and our patroness

  • The Seven Bars: The seven spiritual works of Mercy and gifts of the Holy Spirit

  • The Celtic Cross: The symbol of redemption, reflecting the Irish origin of the Sisters of Mercy

  • The Anchor: Our unwavering faith and confidence in God

  • The Motto: Mercy: “Serving Christ in the spirit of Christ”

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